Tuesday 5 August 2014

Last Post

This last be my last post on blogger!

As I have written about before my website was taken down due to lack of activity so i thought i would try something a little different and create a WordPress site.

Now thinking this over, I decided to move my blog to WordPress in corporate into my new site.

So Thank you supporting my blog here and please come and check it out with  new look at 99redbooleans.wordpress.com

thank you

Saturday 26 July 2014


Currently beavering through several bits and bobs.

Trying to help my boss sort a draft out for the website which is quite kool.

Been doing quite a bit on Codepen, check this pen for some kool drop down boxes.

Been playing with button and bits to create some good looking stuff!

Tuesday 22 July 2014

My First App!

Over the last few days I have been playing around with App Inventor 2.

With a Google account you can create android app using a scratch type block code system.

Instead of writing the code out you place blocks together to gain the action your require. 

I have just finished building my version of the first tutorial video. My app is now available on Google Play here.

Called Talk to Me, its a text to speech application. Type in a word or phrase and it returns it out loud. Very basic and simple but fitting for my first ever app. I made a few tweaks with a pitch bar to change the pitch of her voice.

I'm proper proud of myself. I know some people with be thinking well anyone could make that and yes they could be that to point it so easy I highly recommend people to try it out and download my app of course.

Download my app..... oh and give your phone a shake lol.

Sunday 20 July 2014


I have just completed the course on cloning flappy bird, which is a the free course.

The site revolves around there summer and on-line academies. The latter is a $99 course running from the 23rd June till 10th August. 

No word of future course as this course has already started. I haven't tried to enrol to see what happens, it might give you other option at that point but doesn't look like it.

The summer academy is an 8 week course running in Palo Alto, California or New York City. Price is *cough* $5000 *cough*

Bit out of my range me thinks!

They offer a free* iOS Game Development course. I put "free*" for two reasons. The first is the obvious one, you need a mac that runs OS X Mavericks. Secondly the games you develop can be sold on the app store, ported to Android and they help you with artwork but take 30% of your iOS sales and 50% of Android. Free cost wise but you paying in the end. If you don't have a Mac your paying alot, you'll need to buy one!

Course is delivered well, worth checking out as a brief introduction to objective c but no content rich unless you have a mac but I don't.

Just a word about Code.org

I posted the other day about how I had finished the intro to computer science course of code.org.

Some thing that I didn't realise was the amount of courses available but they are links to external sites. Some paid some free but code.org is a vast array of computer science related content and we'll worth a look for anyone not just kids. Each course has an age who its recommended for.

Currently I'm looking at an iOS game development game course with makegameswith.us.

Well worth looking at!

Thursday 17 July 2014

Completed Code.org's "Intro to Computer Science"

Today i managed to complete the course. Through a lack of time and the nature of the site this hasn't been top of my priority.

Couple of things struck me about code.org on how useful a tool it is for children. 

It is without a doubt aimed at children but the course itself has the necessary component for coding.

I'm going to try and get my girls on it and see if they can work it out.

Sunday 13 July 2014

My Website update

For anyone trying to get onto my site current its is down, i hadn't noticed part of the terms of service with 5gbfree.com is that you had to keep its active and i had not made any additions to it for a bit so they cancelled my account. i'm hoping ti get a domain sorted soon so we'll be back up asap.
